Reception Places
Children are admitted to Reception in September after they turn 4 years old. We have two Reception classes with thirty places available in each class. Parents must apply for a place in Reception via Northumberland County Council or North Tyneside (depending on where you live) in the Autumn term before they are due to start Reception.
To apply for a reception place you will need to apply to Northumberland County Council if you live at a Northumberland address or North Tyneside Council if you live in North Tyneside.
For more information about applying for a Reception place, please visit Northumberland School Admissions or North Tyneside School Admissions for more information.
Open Days at Cragside C of E Primary School
If you are looking for a Reception or Nursery place for September 2024, please contact our school to arrange a visit.
If you are looking for a Reception place for September 2025, we will be holding open events in October and November 2024. Please contact the school and we can let you know once the dates are confirmed.
Nursery Admissions
At Cragside C of E Primary School we have a nursery with capacity for 48 places. Our nursery admits children at the start of each term following their third birthday. Dependant on the age of your child and space being available in the nursery, this means they spend three, four or five terms in nursery before they move into Reception class in the September of the school year in which they are five years old.
All Nursery children are eligible to 15 hours free childcare, however, your child may be eligible for 30 hours. You need to sign up online and, if eligible, will get a code that needs to be given to school before your child starts.
You can check the level of support you may be entitled to on the website https://www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator. If you are eligible, please register on the website www.gov.uk/sign-in-childcare-account. If you do not have a government gateway login you can create one through this link. Once you find out if you are eligible please contact the school office and provide us with your 11 digit code.
You will need to reconfirm your eligibility every three months and will receive a reminder text message or email from the government before the deadline.
If you would like assistance with making an application, please contact the school office.
Nursery admission forms are available from the school office.
For any help with School or nursery admissions please contact us
or 01670 714200
In year admissions
In year admissions are transfers that take place during the school year other than the normal time of entry to the school.
As long as there are places available, we welcome new children into school over the course of the year.

All main school admissions are dealt with by Northumberland County Council:
Telephone: 01670 624889
Online form: https://online.northumberland.gov.uk/citizenportal/form.aspx?form=school_adm