01670 714200 | admin@cragside.northumberland.sch.uk

Starting Nursery marks a significant milestone in a child’s life as they embark on a new chapter outside their family home. Nursery plays a pivotal role at the outset of a child’s educational journey, laying down the foundational blocks upon which their future learning and development will thrive. 

At Cragside Church of England Nursery, children are introduced to a nurturing environment that fosters their social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. Through play-based activities, structured learning experiences, and supportive interactions with educators and peers, children begin to explore and make sense of the world around them. Our curriculum is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs and interests of each child, promoting holistic development and preparing them for the transition into Primary school. 

Take a look at our Nursery Curriculum Year Overview

At Cragside Church of England Nursery we offer 15 hour and 30 hour places for 3 year olds in the term following their third birthday.   In addition to this, we are also able to provide additional wrap-around care for our Nursery children, from 7.45am onwards and after school, up until 5.30pm (5.15pm on Fridays).

Please see https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/how-to-apply-for-30-hours-childcare/ to apply for funding. If you require any support with regard to this please contact the school office 01670 714200.

Apply for Nursery

At Cragside C of E Primary School we have a nursery with capacity for 48 places. Our nursery admits children at the start of each term following their third birthday. Dependant on the age of your child and space being available in the nursery, this means they spend three, four or five terms in nursery before they move into Reception class in the September of the school year in which they are five years old.

All Nursery children are eligible to 15 hours free childcare, however, your child may be eligible for 30 hours. You need to sign up online and, if eligible, will get a code that needs to be given to school before your child starts.

You can check the level of support you may be entitled to on the website https://www.gov.uk/childcare-calculator. If you are eligible, please register on the website www.gov.uk/sign-in-childcare-account. If you do not have a government gateway login you can create one through this link. Once you find out if you are eligible please contact the school office and provide us with your 11 digit code.

You will need to reconfirm your eligibility every three months and will receive a reminder text message or email from the government before the deadline.

If you would like assistance with making an application, please contact the school office. 

Nursery admission forms are available from the school office, or you can download it here. Alternatively, the quickest and easiest way to apply is to complete our online application form. You can access this from the dropdown below.

Complete Online Application Form

Nursery Application Form
Child’s Name
Child's Name
Child’s Gender

Parent/Carers information

Parental responsibility
Parental responsibility

Names of brothers or sisters in school

Has your child had their 2 year check?
Is your child in public care (looked after)?
Is your child known to Children’s Integrated Services (Social Worker)?
Does your child have an Educational Health and care plan (EHCP)?
Is your child known to the Educational Psychology Service (Educational Psychologist)?
Does your child have a disability or illness?

Nursery Timings

Please indicate whether you would be interested in your child attending morning, afternoon or both sessions.
If you have ticked for morning & afternoon, please advise whether or not you would be entitled to the additional 15 hours funding (known as 30 hours childcare) or whether you would be paying for these additional sessions.
Register your interest in our Nursery

Register Your Interest
Your Name
Your Name
Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please inform me of any upcoming open days

What does the school day look like in our Nursery?

8.30-8.50 – Drop off, children enter nursery and join their group for singing and dancing.

8.50 – Group time –  adult led session.

9.05-11-15 – Children access continuous provision. Adults support learning.

During this time snacks are available for children to access. During snack they sit at the dining table and either talk or listen to stories.

Outdoor provision is also accessible during this time. Children are encouraged to be independent and out on their own coat, wellies and waterproof (if needed).

11.15 – Tidy up time.

11.25 – Children return to groups.

11.30 – Share story and songs

11.45 – 15 hour morning children are collected. 30 hour children go to school hall to eat lunch.

11-45 – 1pm Children eat lunch and access outdoor provision.

1pm – Group time –  adult led session.

1.15-2.30– Children access continuous provision. Adults support learning.

Outdoor provision is also accessible during this time. Children are encouraged to be independent and out on their own coat, wellies and waterproof (if needed).

2.30-2.40 – Tidy up time.

2.40 – Children return to groups. 

2.45 – Share story and songs.

3.00pm – Children go home.

Arrange a visit, or attend an open day

We would love to welcome you to our school, so if you would like to arrange a visit to see our amazing Nursery provision, please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you to arrange a visit.

Arrange a visit

Arrange a Visit
Your Name
Your Name
Child’s Name
Child's Name

We are also planning a range of Open days throughout September and October. If you would like to attend, please complete our ‘Register your interest’ form and look out for our dates coming up on social media and this website.

Register Your Interest in our Events

Register Your Interest
Your Name
Your Name
Child’s Name
Child's Name
Please inform me of any upcoming open days
Music Mark

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